Friday, December 31, 2010


Since the time of Muhammad, Islam has had a a huge impact on world history. From Arabia, Islam spread rapidly throughout the Middle East, across North Africa to Spain, and across central Asia nearly to China. In addition to sharing a common faith, Muslims (those that follow the religion of Islam) also belong to a single community called the umnah. The Islamic community blended many peoples and cultures.

Islam now has more followers than any religion except Christianity. One out of five people in the world are Muslims. Most people in the Middle East and North Africa are Muslim, but Muslims live in nearly every country in the world. In fact, the majority of Muslims are Asian. And Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States.

Muslims consider Jews and Christians to be "People of the Book." The Jewish Bible, called the Torah, corresponds to the Old Testament in the Christian Bible. The New Testament of Christianity includes, among other writings, the gospels that tell of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe that these books, like the Qur'an (or Koran), came from God. For Muslims, however, the Qur'an cotains God's final revelation to teh world.
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